Transparence law

On 10 December 2014, Law 19/2013 of 9 December on transparency, access to public information and good governance came into force, which affects entities that, due to their special public relevance, because they exercise administrative powers or receive State subsidies, must actively publicise their institutional, organisational, planning, economic, budgetary and statistical information in a clear, structured, electronic and easily accessible way for interested parties, in order to reinforce the transparency of their activity. The FBJDA provides this website with the aim of complying with these regulations.

2021-02-06 In accordance with article 20.4 of Decree 86/2008, of August 1, which deploys and regulates the electoral processes of the sports federations of the Balearic Islands, on December 30 2020 the General Directorate of Sports has ratified Mr. Miguel Ángel Bisquerra Rigo as president of the Balearic Federation of Judo and Associated Sports.

2020-11-18 List of assembly members

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